The Indian healthcare industry is poised to address domestic and global requirements

    2020-09-21T03:59:01+00:00September 15th, 2020|2020, Expert View - India Global Business, Guest Columns - India Global Business, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

    The Chairman of Max Healthcare stresses on the importance of global collaborations to boost the healthcare industry in India. Highlights: The healthcare sector has a huge role to play towards India’s target of becoming a $5-trillion economy. The inadequacy of hospital infrastructure is a major hurdle in addressing healthcare demand in India. Reverse auctioning land, more efficient protocols for the construction of hospitals, promoting medical tourism and global collaborations are some measures that can be adopted to further the industry [...]

      Sitharaman presents clean, green, realistic Budget

      2020-05-09T17:28:59+00:00January 31st, 2020|2020, Editorials - India Global Business, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

      Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has delivered a realistic Budget for 2020-21. The three most exciting points are the increase in the government’s spending on infrastructure to $59 billion, an increase of $8 billion over the current year [...]

        UK-India partnership could do with a health check

        2020-05-11T05:49:44+00:00January 31st, 2020|2020, Home Page, The Big Story, The Big Story UK - India Global Business, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

        Healthcare has often been described as an important aspect of the UK-India partnership, with the vision of Modicare finding a natural connect with the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS). As the UK opens up this sector with a new NHS Visa and an ambitious healthtech drive, it is time to renew and review this bond fit for a post-Brexit world. Highlights: Over 5,000 diagnostic centres in India are being planned using NHS expertise, equipment and suppliers as part of [...]

          The UK is a natural healthcare partner for India

          2020-02-04T08:43:43+00:00January 31st, 2020|2020, Home Page, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

          In light of the India-UK Healthcare Conference 2020, the Consul General of India, Birmingham, states that the partnership between the two countries is at an early stage, but a lot more can be done by combining the UK’s technical expertise and India’s talent pool. Highlights: Technological advancements have enabled Indian innovators and disruptors to take advantage of the NHS to solve healthcare challenges and bring down the costs for the British ecosystem. Health Education England has tied-up with several State [...]

            The next Brexit chapter: Trust and trade

            2020-08-20T06:55:00+00:00January 31st, 2020|2020, Globally Speaking - India Global Business, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

            India Inc. Founder & CEO Manoj Ladwa looks back at the long and arduous journey of the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU), through some iconic ‘India Global Business’ front covers since 2016, and weighs up the UK’s own tryst with destiny. Highlights: Now that one Brexit chapter is over, it is time to turn the page on to the next one – one built on trust and forward-looking to stronger new partnerships. The opportunities for the UK and [...]

              UK-India collaborations could significantly advance the Indian healthcare landscape

              2020-05-10T16:57:56+00:00January 31st, 2020|2020, Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

              India could benefit from UK’s expertise in healthtech and fraud control to overcome the challenges faced in the implementation of Ayushman Bharat in the country. Highlights: Digital healthcare is provides a unique opportunity for UK-India collaboration. Healthtech can help to address key challenges in India such as shortage of infrastructure. Ayushman Bharat opens opportunities for academic tie-ups, research and evaluation, learning for big data analytics and fraud control, and knowledge sharing with the international community. It is vital for UK [...]