India has a unique advantage in the digital manufacturing age

    2020-10-08T14:33:13+00:00October 7th, 2020|2019, Global Edition – September 2019|

    Baba Kalyani is the Chairman and Managing Director of Bharat Forge, one of India's giants in the manufacturing space. In this interview with 'India Global Business', the doyen of Indian industry gives his insights into the future of digital manufacturing, electric mobility, telecommunications and much more.

      US, India must not lose sight of the bigger picture

      2020-08-20T07:00:56+00:00September 13th, 2019|Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

      The India-US partnership must succeed for the emergence of a new rules-based global order, writes India Inc. Founder and CEO Manoj Ladwa. The US India Strategic and Partnership Forum (USISPF), a non-profit advocacy group comprising leading corporate figures from the two countries, has projected that bilateral trade between India and the US could rise sharply to $238 billion by 2025 from the current level of $143 billion. The USISPF’s US India Bilateral Trade Report projects bilateral trade to grow 7.5 [...]

        The Beast of Brexit

        2019-09-18T15:29:37+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, India Inc News|

        Editorial Comment   ‘India Global Business’ gives its take on the Beast of Brexit, Modi’s Houston Home Run and India’s Moon Mission. The Beast of Brexit The Scottish court annulling the proroguing of British Parliament by Prime Minister Boris Johnson has dealt yet another blow to his still very nascent premiership. With Parliament earlier passing a resolution blocking a no-deal Brexit and ruling out an early election, the Brexit end game has entered uncharted waters. The British Supreme Court will [...]

          India shows the way on globalisation

          2020-03-24T07:39:34+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

          India has been opening up its markets to foreign investments and creating opportunities for companies globally even as trade wars are closing markets in other countries. Economists around the world are burning the midnight oil trying to answer the question that is giving sleepless nights to heads of states and C-suite occupants alike: is the world economy heading towards a recession? Economic report cards from the largest economies don’t make for happy reading. The US manufacturing sector has been slowing [...]

            Celebrating Manchester’s burgeoning relationship with India

            2019-09-16T05:55:38+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, Home Page|

            The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, discusses the many opportunities Manchester offers to Indian companies looking to expand into the UK and lays out his vision for the wider Manchester-India partnership. Next month I’ll be leading a delegation from the UK city-region of Greater Manchester on a visit to India and Bangladesh - a chance to celebrate an exciting new era of closer working ties. Visiting Mumbai, Mysore, Bangalore and Delhi, it provides an opportunity to explore the benefits [...]

              With start-up ecosystems booming globally, why do we still need Silicon Valley?

              2019-09-15T21:23:01+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

              What can Indian companies learn from their US counterparts in the Silicon Valley? A tech expert identifies some core areas. The success of Silicon Valley has inspired many around the world, both as a model region to emulate, but also as a market for technology businesses to conquer in their quest for global market domination. In the last 20 years or so, Bangalore has often been cited as India’s Silicon Valley, but I think it still has some way to [...]

                Does a no-deal Brexit bode well for UK-India ties?

                2019-09-13T11:26:39+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019|

                If the UK were to leave without an agreement in place with the European Union (EU) by the October 31 Brexit deadline, the reverberations will be felt around the world – including in India. Unprecedented developments have a direct connect with a propensity to speculate, and Brexit undoubtedly falls within that category. Boris Johnson lobbed a bombshell in the form of parliamentary suspension plans ahead of the October 31 Brexit deadline as part of a particularly frenzied return from the [...]

                  Kenya: A land of many investment opportunities

                  2019-09-13T14:35:50+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019|

                  The head of Kenya's inward investment authority lays out the various investment opportunities for Indian and foreign companies looking to invest in the African nation. Kenya is the fifth largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is the dominant economy in the East African Community (EAC), contributing more than 50 per cent of the region’s GDP. Kenya’s annual GDP growth averaged 4.5 per cent between 2008 and 2012 and 5.2 per cent between 2013- 2017 and in 2018, the growth was [...]

                    India’s grapple with crypto currency: Future trends and implications

                    2020-04-27T14:18:19+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

                    A crypto and blockchain expert dispels some of the myths around Bitcoin. During the early 1990s, India was at the same stage where it is now with cryptocurrency. When the Silicon Valley was being created, and companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple etc were being founded, India was struggling to understand what the Internet was. Due to this, many great Indian tech minds had to move to the US to find a suitable opportunity. Today, the best brains behind the tech [...]

                      The Road Ahead: Opportunities and challenges for India and Israel

                      2019-09-13T14:39:54+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

                      An Israeli legal expert analyses triumphs and challenges within the India-Israel relationship over the past decade. Since the establishment of full diplomatic relations in 1992, the relations of India and Israel have been developed in several levels. The volume of trade between the countries has been expanded in both volume and verticals and today it includes defense and security, agriculture, IT, water technologies, medical devices and other sectors. In terms of volume, the economic relations have been developed from $200m [...]