Air corridors to help fulfill potential of India’s ties with Central Asia

    2020-11-10T12:14:31+00:00November 5th, 2020|2020, India Inc Views - India Global Business, Region Focus, UK Edition – 14 Feb-27 Feb 2020|

    Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has said India is exploring air corridors between India and five ‘Stans’ of Central Asia to enhance and deepen economic engagement and facilitate trade in perishable goods such as food products and farm produce and position India as a medical tourism destination in the region. Highlights: Central Asia is crucial to India as a source of raw materials such as oil and gas as well as uranium. Bilateral trade, however, remains below potential due to [...]

      The Indian healthcare industry is poised to address domestic and global requirements

      2020-09-21T03:59:01+00:00September 15th, 2020|2020, Expert View - India Global Business, Guest Columns - India Global Business, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

      The Chairman of Max Healthcare stresses on the importance of global collaborations to boost the healthcare industry in India. Highlights: The healthcare sector has a huge role to play towards India’s target of becoming a $5-trillion economy. The inadequacy of hospital infrastructure is a major hurdle in addressing healthcare demand in India. Reverse auctioning land, more efficient protocols for the construction of hospitals, promoting medical tourism and global collaborations are some measures that can be adopted to further the industry [...]

        Right time for India to push for greater FDI inflows

        2022-02-08T15:50:55+00:00April 24th, 2020|2020, Home Page, North America Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020, The Big Story North America - India Global Business|

        Despite a global recession, India is expected to be among the few countries that will still grow, offering foreign investors an ideal FDI destination as they look to relocate their factories away from China. Highlights: The IMF predicts India’s growth rate to bounce back to 7.4 per cent next year. India can escape recession due to its fewer linkages with global supply chains and its dependence on domestic consumption as the primary driver of GDP growth. India’s large domestic market [...]

          ‘Learning’ as a coping mechanism

          2020-08-20T06:54:09+00:00April 24th, 2020|2020, Globally Speaking - India Global Business, North America Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020, UK Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020|

          From Harvard offering 67 free courses and Nike’s NTC premium workouts to Indian spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s inspired #LetMenCook challenge — India Inc. Group Founder & CEO Manoj Ladwa explores the many amazing self-development opportunities that will help us get stronger and sharper on the other side of the pandemic. Who among us, at some point, hasn’t wished for a break, a few leisurely days spent away from the cacophony of the everyday? This, however, is not a [...]

            The pandemic may open new doors for India-Japan ties

            2022-02-08T14:35:23+00:00April 24th, 2020|2020, Country Focus - India Global Business, Home Page, India Inc Views - India Global Business, North America Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020, UK Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020|

            The increasing paranoia regarding China opens up several avenues for India and Japan to build a stronger bilateral partnership. Highlights: Japanese PM Shinzo Abe announced a corpus of $2.2 billion to help Japanese firms relocate their supply chain network from China. India tweaked its FDI policy to include China in the list of countries where any investment would need the government’s approval. The Gujarat government is preparing a bouquet of incentives to attract Japanese firms looking to shift from China. [...]

              When the going gets tough, Indian start-ups get going

              2022-02-08T14:32:49+00:00April 24th, 2020|2020, Guest Columns - India Global Business, North America Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020, The Small Print - India Global Business, UK Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020|

              Healthcare and medtech start-ups in India are finding ground-breaking solutions to problems faced in all stages of dealing with the pandemic. Highlights: While the world is waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, Indian innovators are trying to stay positive and find innovative solutions to beat the virus. Several healthcare and medtech start-ups like Mylab, GFF Innovations and Accura Polytech are finding ground-breaking solutions for protection, prevention, screening, testing and sanitisation and treatment. The Department of [...]

                India’s diplomatic, economic and strategic activism is being recognised

                2022-02-08T14:19:48+00:00April 24th, 2020|2020, Global Indians - India Global Business, Interviews - India Global Business, North America Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020, UK Edition – 24 April-07 May 2020|

                Dr Parag Khanna prescribes that the new world order is no longer a choice between the US and China. There are probably a number of global developments that Dr Parag Khanna may have predicted, or analysed, but nothing would have prepared him for a world order that is currently preparing to undergo a seismic shift due to a virus. A passionate traveller for work and hobby, Dr Khanna is a distinguished global strategy advisor and an author, at last count, [...]