US, India must not lose sight of the bigger picture

    2020-08-20T07:00:56+00:00September 13th, 2019|Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

    The India-US partnership must succeed for the emergence of a new rules-based global order, writes India Inc. Founder and CEO Manoj Ladwa. The US India Strategic and Partnership Forum (USISPF), a non-profit advocacy group comprising leading corporate figures from the two countries, has projected that bilateral trade between India and the US could rise sharply to $238 billion by 2025 from the current level of $143 billion. The USISPF’s US India Bilateral Trade Report projects bilateral trade to grow 7.5 [...]

      Modi’s Houston Home Run

      2020-03-18T10:03:29+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Home Page, North America Edition – September 2019|

      Editorial Comment   ‘India Global Business’ gives its take on Modi’s Houston Home Run, the Beast of Brexit and India’s Moon Mission. When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed Indian Americans at Madison Square Gardens in 2014, he was in New York for an official function; when he addressed 60,000 British Indians at the Wembley Stadium the following year, he was in London to attend a Commonwealth event. His address to Indians at Houston later this month is different and [...]

        India shows the way on globalisation

        2020-03-24T07:39:34+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

        India has been opening up its markets to foreign investments and creating opportunities for companies globally even as trade wars are closing markets in other countries. Economists around the world are burning the midnight oil trying to answer the question that is giving sleepless nights to heads of states and C-suite occupants alike: is the world economy heading towards a recession? Economic report cards from the largest economies don’t make for happy reading. The US manufacturing sector has been slowing [...]

          Carpe diem for US-India trade reset

          2020-03-18T10:05:12+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

          The US-China trade war and Indian economic reforms provide a golden opportunity for a US-India trade deal and strengthen the geo-economic vision of America’s Indo-Pacific strategy. In June, US President Donald Trump indicated a “very big” trade deal with India at the G-20 summit in Osaka. Last month at the G-7 summit, President Trump and Indian Prime Minister Modi reiterated their friendship and committed to resolving trade issues. Later this month, US President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra [...]

            With start-up ecosystems booming globally, why do we still need Silicon Valley?

            2019-09-15T21:23:01+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

            What can Indian companies learn from their US counterparts in the Silicon Valley? A tech expert identifies some core areas. The success of Silicon Valley has inspired many around the world, both as a model region to emulate, but also as a market for technology businesses to conquer in their quest for global market domination. In the last 20 years or so, Bangalore has often been cited as India’s Silicon Valley, but I think it still has some way to [...]

              A guide to doing business in the US

              2019-09-13T14:10:32+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

              A consultancy chief provides a checklist for Indian businesses planning to expand into the US market, including insights into some basic structural aspects. The United States of America is a haven for business ventures, for entrepreneurs and business entities around the world. There is always a scope for growth due to the immense exposure provided to different companies, irrespective of their background or culture. India and the US have a long-shared history, and our bilateral relations have continued to be [...]

                India’s grapple with crypto currency: Future trends and implications

                2020-04-27T14:18:19+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

                A crypto and blockchain expert dispels some of the myths around Bitcoin. During the early 1990s, India was at the same stage where it is now with cryptocurrency. When the Silicon Valley was being created, and companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple etc were being founded, India was struggling to understand what the Internet was. Due to this, many great Indian tech minds had to move to the US to find a suitable opportunity. Today, the best brains behind the tech [...]

                  The Road Ahead: Opportunities and challenges for India and Israel

                  2019-09-13T14:39:54+00:00September 13th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

                  An Israeli legal expert analyses triumphs and challenges within the India-Israel relationship over the past decade. Since the establishment of full diplomatic relations in 1992, the relations of India and Israel have been developed in several levels. The volume of trade between the countries has been expanded in both volume and verticals and today it includes defense and security, agriculture, IT, water technologies, medical devices and other sectors. In terms of volume, the economic relations have been developed from $200m [...]

                    Modi uses soft power in G7 to disarm critics on Kashmir

                    2019-09-13T14:45:48+00:00September 12th, 2019|2019, Global Edition – September 2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

                    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s participation in the G7 summit in Biarritz in Southwestern France at the end of August capped a month’s glorious diplomatic success for his government. At the beginning of August 5, India abrogated articles 370 and 35A that had, for nearly 70 years, granted special status to the country’s northern most state of Jammu & Kashmir. The fall out of the controversial if belated decision was expected to be vitriolic, both from within the state that [...]

                      A framework for India’s trade boom in the times of a US-China clash

                      2019-09-17T08:38:22+00:00September 12th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – September 2019|

                      An expert from American Enterprise Institute lays out a framework for boosting Indian trade. A great deal of work must be done when considering whether and how trade can drive Indian growth, For instance, India cannot take much advantage of US-China trade conflict because it is not the next best competitor. If the US forces production out of China, it will go to Mexico, Vietnam,  and others - even Bangladesh for some products. There is another China-related, longer-term and much [...]