Kentucky has a huge appetite for advanced manufacturing businesses

    2020-10-08T14:30:36+00:00October 7th, 2020|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

    In this interview with ‘India Global Business’, Vivek Sarin, Executive Officer and Co-CEO, Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, touches upon the state’s contribution to India-US relations and what makes Indian businesses different from those in the US.

      Ballé Ballé Boris

      2020-08-20T07:06:40+00:00May 22nd, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

      Boris Johnson has emerged as the frontrunner in a Brexit-battered leadership contest and India will be hoping for exactly what the entire UK also wants – clarity, writes India Inc. Founder & CEO Manoj Ladwa. The boisterous Boris Johnson is by far the frontrunner in the race to lead a beleaguered Conservative Party and India will have some reasons for optimism around such a proposed elevation. Behind the perceived bumbling persona of the former Foreign Secretary lies a sharp mind [...]

        Brexit-bound UK must protect and promote Indian investments

        2019-05-23T05:49:28+00:00May 22nd, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

        CII and Grant Thornton India’s ‘Britain Meets India report’ shows that the UK is the fourth largest investor in India. Whilst many Indian companies, such as Tata, have had a presence in the UK for over 100 years, it was not really until the financial reforms of 1991, when India liberalised its economy, that we saw Indian investment start to accelerate internationally and get to the level we see today. The reforms removed the numerous hurdles and restrictions that previously [...]

          Essar’s faith in the UK market remains steady

          2019-05-22T18:21:50+00:00May 22nd, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

          An oil and gas expert dives into what Essar’s acquisition of BP assets means for the company's plans for the UK market. When the Essar group purchased the Stanlow Manufacturing Complex from Shell in 2011, they immediately put in place a strategy to build a sustainable and profitable future for the UK business. Stanlow had been run by its previous owner as a cost centre, but Essar’s clear objective was to run the refinery as a profit centre, investing for [...]

            Brexit or no Brexit, India on investment spree in the UK

            2020-01-30T10:53:36+00:00May 22nd, 2019|2019, Home Page, UK Edition – May 2019|

            As the UK continues to grapple with an elusive withdrawal agreement with the European Union (EU), some recent investment figures from India come as a timely boost for Brexit-bound Global Britain. It all began with a spike in export data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), which revealed that Britain’s exports to India increased at the fastest rate among the country’s top trading partners outside the European Union (EU), registering a 19.3 per cent increase in goods and [...]

              The 2020s will be the India decade and the UK must act in time

              2019-06-21T09:29:35+00:00May 22nd, 2019|2019, Home Page, UK Edition – May 2019|

              Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner presents his views on what UK’s rapidly growing exports to India mean in the context of global growth forecasts. In most of my 30-year career in business starting in 1980, British businesses viewed the Indian economy as a slow, dusty pitch where visitors would be frustrated by the lack of pace and bounce. They could occupy the crease, but it was hard to be a hero. But times have changed. Now, my main task, as Her [...]

                Tapping into India’s specialist IT talent pool to fix global problems

                2020-09-21T08:56:31+00:00May 22nd, 2019|2019, Home Page, UK Edition – May 2019|

                Larry Stone, Chairman – BT India, talks ‘India Global Business’ through BT's recent CSR drive for girls' education in India, their cyber security centre in Gurugram as well as the significance of India as a market. What prompted BT's tie-up with the British Asian Trust to promote girls' education in India? BT has a long history in engaging and supporting communities where we are present, including in India. For many years, we’ve supported initiatives such as Katha Schools, the PM’s [...]

                  The positives of Indian-Thai investments

                  2019-08-28T13:27:05+00:00May 22nd, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

                  The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) summarises the advantages Indian companies can avail by investing in Thailand while highlighting some of the government’s initiatives for foreign companies. For decades, Thailand and India have expanded their bilateral relationship in breadth and depth, from culture and tourism to trade and investment. Since the global economic growth centre has shifted to Asia in recent years, economic opportunities have been rising, so as to the potential trade between Thailand and India. Thailand, with its [...]

                    The UK-India tech corridor remains immune to Brexit, so far

                    2019-05-22T18:31:41+00:00May 21st, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

                    The new UK-India Tech Hub launched in London last month offers tech start-ups and companies several new opportunities for cross border expansion. With the impasses over Brexit continuing and a new deadline being set, how has this impacted start-ups in the UK-India corridor? For the last couple of years start-ups have been living in the looming shadow of Brexit, however, it has been a golden period for UK India tech. There are some reasons for optimism on the India side. [...]

                      General Election 2019: India’s focus is inwards

                      2019-05-22T15:26:44+00:00May 21st, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

                      Anti-pollution measures and national security remain forefront in campaign manifestoes. National security has featured strongly in the Indian election campaign with the ruling BJP and the main opposition party, Congress, each claiming to have taken the toughest measures against Pakistan in response to cross-border terrorism. Beyond cross-border terrorism, India faces an on-going challenge from a Maoist insurgency as well as sporadic, and declining, incidents of terrorism in North East India. According to government figures, around 1,400 civilians died in terrorist [...]