Modi reinvents Gandhi as ‘cool’ 21st century icon

    2019-10-16T14:00:55+00:00October 12th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 11th October 2019, UK Edition – 11th October 2019|

    India knows Mahatma Gandhi primarily as a freedom fighter and the world recognises him as the apostle of non-violence. But Gandhi is much more than that. Indian Prime Minister Modi has resurrected Gandhi from the dreary pages of Indian history textbooks to the front pages of global relevance in a world searching desperately for leadership, vision and sustainability. And in doing so, given Indian soft power a global boost. When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi received the Global Goalkeeper Award [...]

      Tech is redefining the auto industry

      2019-10-16T13:51:18+00:00October 12th, 2019|2019, Home Page, North America Edition – 11th October 2019, UK Edition – 11th October 2019|

      Driverless cars are still distant reality, says Visteon President and CEO Sachin Lawande as he discusses the role of AI in automotive tech, advances in car systems and efforts made by the auto sector towards the climate change challenge. How would you categorise the integral role of tech in automotive solutions around the world? Technology is redefining the auto industry, particularly in the form of software and sensor-driven solutions. In the near future, the focus is on two areas – [...]

        Brexit can provide an opportunity for Wales to forge closer ties with India

        2019-10-16T13:57:05+00:00October 12th, 2019|2019, Home Page, UK Edition – 11th October 2019|

        In light of his recent visit to India, the Secretary of State for Wales weighs up how Brexit could help Wales carve its individual identity and foster a stronger relationship with India. The United Kingdom will leave the European Union at the end of October. But since the 2016 referendum, which began the process of leaving the EU, I have been asked many times what this momentous change will mean for the future of Wales. Wales has always played a [...]

          Modi-Xi offsite holds lessons for other powers

          2020-08-20T06:59:22+00:00October 11th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 11th October 2019, UK Edition – 11th October 2019|

          The two neighbouring powers – not inimical to each other but not quite on the same page on most issues either – have thankfully found a way of discussing their bilateral issues, warts and all.  This is a lesson that other powers could also learn from, writes India Inc. Founder & CEO Manoj Ladwa. You’ve heard of corporate offsites, where company bigwigs travel to exotic destinations to discuss strategies and iron out issues in an informal setting. Well, Indian Prime [...]

            We are making it easier for Indian businesses to set up in the UK

            2019-10-11T18:06:27+00:00October 11th, 2019|2019, UK Edition – 11th October 2019|

            The Minister for Investment at the UK Department for International Trade UK makes a note of several initiatives and opportunities in the country that will continue to foster a stronger UK-India relationship. Earlier this summer in London, the UK and India reiterated their plans to strengthen bilateral trade relations with an emphasis on innovation, technology and financial and professional services. The India Day summit showed our commitment to growing the trading relationship between our two countries – valued at £20.47 [...]

              Industrial Revolution 4.0: India’s cyber security challenges and opportunities

              2019-10-11T15:00:00+00:00October 11th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 11th October 2019, UK Edition – 11th October 2019|

              Digitised systems, while more efficient, are not without their concerns. A cyber security expert outlines the various digital threats that enterprises are vulnerable to and suggests some counter measures to prevent these security risks. Industry 4.0 is a standard term to depict the fourth-generation industrial revolution that we are passing through nowadays. Automation, IoT and data analytics have made production processes smarter, intelligent and more productive. With each passing day, latest technologies like cloud computing, IoT and robotics are disrupting [...]