Year of drama and assertion

    2019-12-30T14:34:29+00:00December 27th, 2019|2019, Home Page, North America Edition – 27 December 2019, UK Edition – 27 December 2019|

    2019 was a year of near non-stop drama, fast-moving action and events with far-reaching consequences. It was also a year in which powerful nations and their leaders asserted their right of action in different ways and in doing so, majorly disrupted the 'business as usual' status quo that the world has gotten used to. We look at some of the biggest developments of 2019 in this analysis. Trade war The year’s biggest economic news was undoubtedly the ongoing trade war [...]

      My reflections on 2019: The glass is not always half empty

      2020-08-20T06:55:09+00:00December 27th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 27 December 2019, UK Edition – 27 December 2019|

      In the pursuit of so-called ‘balance’, 2019 has seen far too many commentators straying towards the negative as their safest bet when explaining India’s growth story. The glass is not always half empty, argues India Inc. Founder & CEO, Manoj Ladwa. Over the past five years, I have written over 250 ‘Globally Speaking’ blogs, which are published online every Friday at and selected ones in the ‘India Global Business’ magazine. I am pleased to inform readers that in 2020, [...]

        TechSagar – Showcasing India’s technology and cyber preparedness

        2020-09-21T08:57:13+00:00December 27th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 27 December 2019, UK Edition – 27 December 2019|

        An expert explains how a new tech repository enables targeted search of India’s technology capabilities which will open gates for innovation and collaboration across industry and academia. Highlights: As India aspires to become a trillion-dollar digital economy, enhancing cyber security measures becomes a key national priority. Tech Sagar is a repository featuring 4000+ entities from Industry, Academia and Research, providing a country-level view of India’s cyber competencies. The initiative enables the Government to assess the country-level readiness on strategic technologies [...]

          Rolling out an innovative recycling landscape

          2019-12-30T17:07:52+00:00December 27th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 27 December 2019, UK Edition – 27 December 2019|

          An executive of a leading tyre manufacturing company suggests the embodiment of sustainability and stakeholder-centric models to future proof companies. Highlights: Innovative approaches to developing sustainable tyres are essential to really drive down emissions from the motor industry. Disused tyres pose a huge environmental challenge. The tyre industry has been looking at and experimenting with innovative use and recycling of old tyres for sustainability, including recycling old tyres. When over 3,000 business and political leaders convene in Davos next [...]

            Competing with robots: How online learning can help professionals win in the future

            2020-03-20T05:56:22+00:00December 27th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 27 December 2019, UK Edition – 27 December 2019|

            The CEO of one of India’s largest online job and recruitment portal elaborates on how reskilling can help avoid slowdown. Highlights: The rise of artificial intelligence and data analytics has changed the dynamics of the jobs market. To remain relevant in today’s fast-evolving, tech-centric job market, employees upgrade their skills regularly. Offline skilling courses will no longer be able to accommodate the influx of job seekers looking to upskill themselves. Online channels offer a viable option for jobseekers looking to [...]

              A mixed year for Indo-US ties

              2020-03-18T09:15:32+00:00December 27th, 2019|2019, North America Edition – 27 December 2019|

              India and US have drawn even closer on the strategic side – with a close convergence in the views on the Indo-Pacific, China and other issues. But Trump’s insistence on looking at every bilateral relationship through the prism of trade is threatening to limit the gains emanating from the stronger diplomatic engagement. Highlights: 2019 has been a milestone year for both strategic convergence and trade between India and the US. Trump’s order to terminate India’s designation as a beneficiary developing [...]