Solar power: One bright spot on India’s economic horizon

    2020-05-11T03:48:39+00:00January 31st, 2020|2020, Green Talk, Home Page, India Inc Views - India Global Business, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

    Over the last five years, India has emerged as one of the key leaders of the global solar power market. With an installed capacity of 32 GW and a pipeline of about 50 GW in the works, the country is on course to meet the target of achieving a capacity of 100 GW by 2022 set by Prime Minister Modi despite some huge challenges. Highlights: India has emerged as one of the global leaders in solar energy. India’s success in [...]

      Intolerant Economist

      2020-05-11T03:10:43+00:00January 30th, 2020|2020, India Inc Views - India Global Business, Last Word, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

      Respected western publications such as The Economist and others are echoing the angst of the old Indian elite who have been denied the benefits of official patronage by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Consequently, their recent coverage of India is coming across as biased and agenda-driven. Over the course of the last year, India has been at the receiving end of some very sharp coverage in the western media. The grouse and, we dare say, the vitriol are aimed, in particular, at one [...]

        US-China rivalries and the courting of India

        2020-05-11T03:47:30+00:00January 30th, 2020|2020, Guest Columns - India Global Business, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020, The Fine Print - India Global Business|

        Our columnist, a US policy and relations expert, discusses the US-China relationship and the theories behind the emergence of a cross-national bloc to restrict Chinese ambitions. Highlights: The US-China rivalry puts India centre stage in US thinking. The scope of the US-China rivalry remains locked into the logic of strategic competition around trade, the Belt & Road Initiative and China’s apparent military ambitions. Despite the US stressing on India’s importance as a strategic partner, the US administration's tendency to differ [...]

          The Indian market is key to achieving Saskatchewan’s trade targets

          2020-05-11T03:47:44+00:00January 28th, 2020|2020, India Inc Views - India Global Business, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020, Region Focus|

          A major exporter of food, fuel and fertiliser, the Canadian province is looking forward to partnering with India to support the country’s goals for food and energy security. Highlights: Saskatchewan is seeking ways to reinforce its status as a destination of choice for international investment, with India as a priority partner. Saskatchewan offers a highly competitive, low-risk business environment, with no corporate capital tax, payroll tax or healthcare premiums. The province contains half the world’s known reserves of potash and [...]

            Indian companies might not see major supply disruption

            2020-05-11T03:49:36+00:00January 28th, 2020|2020, Guest Columns - India Global Business, Home Page, Insight - India Global Business, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

            An Oil & Gas expert analyses how the US's strike on Iranian general Qasem Soleimani will affect India's oil sector. Highlights: The US Drone strike on a serving Iranian general led to a surge of global oil prices and growing tension between the two countries. No confirmation on US-China trade deal and no direct attacks on the oil production and processing facility from Iran since then have cooled the oil prices. India has started importing more crude from Iraq and [...]