Britain’s Labour Party is intent on damaging India-UK relations

    2020-08-20T06:54:12+00:00April 17th, 2020|India Inc News|

    While India makes special exception for the UK to send urgent medicines during the COVID-19 crisis, British MPs want to debate Kashmir. This is ill-timed, ill-conceived and will damage UK-India relations, writes India Inc. Group Founder & CEO Manoj Ladwa. Next week, when the UK Parliament resumes after its Easter break, one of the first items on the order paper is a debate on Kashmir and the revocation of its historic “special status” by the Indian government. It has been [...]

      India’s economy under lockdown, but there are reasons to be hopeful

      2020-08-20T06:54:20+00:00April 3rd, 2020|India Inc News|

      India’s inherent resilience, coupled with some enlightened thinking on the relationship between the public and private sector, will enable it to emerge from this crisis stronger. The much-vaunted democratic and demographic dividends of India will need to be fully encashed, writes India Inc. Group Founder and CEO Manoj Ladwa. Highlights: The diversity and scale of India’s economy make it an extremely resilient nation, giving it the capability to replace many of the Chinese supply chains. PM Modi has tapped into [...]

        A lockdown in China can cause supply chain disruptions

        2020-03-27T12:26:03+00:00March 26th, 2020|Home Page, India Inc News|

        The spread of Coronavirus will adversely affect the aviation, pharmaceutical and automobile industries in India, among others. Lockout in parts of China following Coronavirus outbreak will have an adverse impact on several industries in India – aviation, pharmaceutical and automobile being three of them. Impact on Indian aviation industry Till recently, the outbreak of the Coronavirus was limited to China and some of the other South East (SE) Asian countries and has impacted the air travel and movement of freight [...]

          A mixed bag for India’s political economy

          2020-03-16T13:53:06+00:00March 16th, 2020|Home Page, India Inc News|

          In light of US President Trump’s recent visit to India, an economic expert suggests some measures the two countries could take to drive their bilateral relationship to the next level. Highlights: President Trump’s reiteration of PM Modi’s policies reinforced the Indian Government’s assertion of successful outreach of its schemes. If a free trade agreement might not be an immediate possibility, a multi-layered trade agreement would help boost import-linked value-added manufacturing and exports from India. The US must consider that a [...]

            Time to raise our game on gender balance

            2020-08-20T06:54:35+00:00March 6th, 2020|India Inc News|

            India Inc. Founder and CEO Manoj Ladwa reflects on the imperative for gender equality in leadership and the need to walk the talk on International Women’s Day. As I was walking through Dubai Airport this week, I was startled by a Standard Chartered advertisement which pointed out that only 6.6 per cent of women are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and globally, we are still battling an average 32 per cent gender gap. These figures are woefully low for 2020 and International Women’s Day [...]

              Theatre of the absurd: India’s telecom sector

              2020-08-20T06:54:44+00:00February 21st, 2020|India Inc News|

              All stakeholders are to blame for the mess India’s telecom companies find themselves in, and it's damaging India’s efforts to project an investor friendly image abroad, writes India Inc. Founder and CEO Manoj Ladwa. Highlights: India’s Department of Telecommunications' unreasonable demand of $21 billion from the country’s ailing telecom companies will cripple India's burgeoning telecom sector. All stakeholders – the telecom companies, public sector companies, the Government of India and the Supreme Court of India – are responsible for this [...]

                Coronavirus outbreak: India offers Global Inc. an alternative

                2020-08-20T06:54:54+00:00February 7th, 2020|India Inc News|

                The coronavirus crisis should nudge the world towards some quick thinking to de-risk and diversify its bets, writes India Inc. Founder & CEO Manoj Ladwa. It’s official: the coronavirus outbreak in China is the world’s first “global health emergency” in this new era of major power rivalry. Besides the obvious cost in terms of human suffering and lives, it is already extracting a major economic cost across the world and is likely to have a major impact on the Indian [...]

                  US-China trade war and protectionism in the West, not India, dragging down global growth

                  2020-03-24T07:42:42+00:00January 23rd, 2020|Home Page, India Inc News|

                  Many economists feel that some green shoots of growth are visible within the Indian economy but it is best to wait for more widely dispersed signs of a turnaround before breathing a little easier. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected India to grow at 4.8 per cent this year, down sharply from the 6.1 per cent forecast in October 2019, and blamed it for dragging global growth down. Since India is the world’s fifth-largest economy in purchasing power parity [...]

                    India’s ambitious $1.4 trillion infra investment plan

                    2020-08-20T06:56:46+00:00January 3rd, 2020|India Inc News|

                    Can the new mega infrastructure investment plan be the fillip the Indian economy needed after a protracted period of sluggish growth? India Inc. Founder and CEO, Manoj Ladwa, writes that much will depend on the Indian government’s ability to execute well, and foreign investors having the confidence to muscle in. Highlights: India’s ambitious $1.4 trillion National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) is a critical step towards realising the Modi government’s ambition of making India a $5-trillion economy. NIP opens up huge investment [...]

                      Britain matters to India, so must who governs it

                      2020-08-20T06:58:43+00:00December 6th, 2019|India Inc News|

                      For those who care about the India-UK relationship, democracy, stronger security, more business, and shared values for collective good, the question of who governs the UK should also matter. The choice on this count could not be starker, writes India Inc. Founder and CEO Manoj Ladwa. In exactly a week’s time we will know who the victors and losers are in the UK general election.  An election called by Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the hope of bringing finality and [...]