Indo-Pacific: India’s factor markets hold back full integration with region

    2019-06-07T09:45:20+00:00May 21st, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

    India has close economic and strategic ties with the ASEAN, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. But the new government will have to overhaul the country’s land, labour and capital markets for the relationship to reach its full potential. Even as India’s elections were winding their way to a final denouement, the Indian Navy was conducting drills in the disputed South China Sea, claimed in full by China, with the navies of the United States, Japan and the Philippines. [...]

      Manchester’s history of innovation makes it ideal pick for Indian students

      2020-03-20T09:26:56+00:00May 21st, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

      Professor Stephen Flint is Associate Vice-President for Internationalisation at The University of Manchester. Here, he discusses the University’s collaborations with Indian institutions and Professor Bina Agarwal’s research on group farming. India is an important market for Manchester and, in particular, for The University of Manchester. As one of the UK’s top research institutions, The University of Manchester is continuously seeking ways to develop collaborative relationships with international organisations to find solutions to major global challenges. The University is strong in [...]

        Modi’s hectic overseas schedule has helped raise India’s profile, balance relations

        2020-03-16T09:58:08+00:00May 21st, 2019|2019, Home Page, UK Edition – May 2019|

        A brief roundup of the impacts that Prime Minister Modi’s numerous diplomatic visits over the past five years have resulted in. Across 57 countries in six continents in a total of 92 trips, in his five-year tenure, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emerged as one of the most well-travelled heads of state of India ever. This is more than twice the number of trips that his predecessor Dr Manmohan Singh made in his second five-year stint at the helm between [...]

          Maintaining Momentum in a New Era of Economic Cooperation

          2019-05-22T15:33:03+00:00May 20th, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

          Chandrajit Banerjee, Director-General of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), outlines the various sectors that present tremendous opportunities to bolster UK-India cooperation. Historically linked together for centuries, India and the United Kingdom share a commitment to democracy, peace and stability as also institutional, educational and legal affinities that underpin the vibrant and dynamic bilateral relationship today. As India embarks on a reinvigorated growth path and the UK prepares for a historic detachment from the EU, these shared foundations establish a [...]

            Keys to ensuring more crop per drop

            2020-03-20T09:32:21+00:00May 20th, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

            Solar irrigation solutions are the key to combatting energy poverty in India, notes a clean energy specialist. Walk across a farm in northern India, and the chances are, you’ll hear the stutter and purr of one of 10 million diesel-powered pumps used across the country for irrigation. These pumps are very expensive to run, easily consuming one litre of diesel fuel per hour. As they have many moving parts, the engines frequently break down and require servicing, an added burden [...]

              Successful design responds to local needs

              2019-05-22T15:33:57+00:00May 20th, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

              The Dean of the Faculty at De Montfort University Leicester highlights how architecture is building a new future for a community in Ahmedabad. The value of architecture goes far beyond mere buildings – it can change lives and communities for the better. And perhaps nowhere is that more evident than in the gradual rebuilding of the Loving Community, on the outskirts of Ahmedabad in Gujarat. The Loving Community was established 40 years ago as a home for former lepers and [...]

                Why India-UK relations still feel taxing?

                2019-05-22T15:36:23+00:00May 19th, 2019|2019, UK Edition – May 2019|

                In the context of Global Britain, it is important that Indian professionals do not feel unfairly taxed while contributing fairly to the UK economy. Indian talent, be it in the field of technology, manufacturing or medical, is firmly woven into the tapestry of the UK economy. In UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid’s own words, the UK issues more skilled worker visas to Indian nationals than to the rest of the world combined and the country’s National Health Service (NHS) would collapse without the contribution of thousands of Indian medics. [...]