Prince Charles backs new education bond for India

    2018-12-04T08:16:07+00:00November 29th, 2017|2018/2017, Flagship Scheme, India Investment Journal January Edition, India Investment Journal November Edition, REWIND 2017, Year|

    Charles, Prince of Wales threw his weight behind a new Education Development Impact Bond (DIB) for India during a recent tour of the country. A new $10-million DIB has been created by the British Asian Trust (BAT), founded by Charles, Prince of Wales to fight poverty in South Asia, and is designed to improve learning outcomes for thousands of marginalised children in India. The bond is intended as an innovative and sustainable social impact investment tool which will be tied in with [...]

      Is India’s rooftop solar market taking off?

      2018-12-03T11:56:54+00:00May 26th, 2017|2018/2017, Flagship Scheme, India Investment Journal January Edition, India Investment Journal May Edition, REWIND 2017, Year|

      A relatively slow-moving solar market in India is showing some signs of promise. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has announced a 1,000 MW tender in order to allocate rooftop solar projects on government buildings across the country. This is the largest ever rooftop solar tender announced in India till date. Riding on the success of a previous 500 MW rooftop solar tender announced in April 2016, SECI has now doubled the allocation size. This is a welcome move [...]

        Innovation is the answer to India’s challenges

        2018-12-06T13:12:34+00:00January 9th, 2017|2018/2017, Flagship schemes, India Investment Journal January 2017, REWIND 2017, Year|

        As Managing Director for South Asia and Vice-President, Sales & Marketing Group, of Intel Corporation, Debjani Ghosh is responsible for establishing new growth areas for the US-headquartered tech giant in the region. She works with governments and industry in South Asia to establish policies and initiatives that help accelerate the adoption of technology in the region, especially as an enabler of inclusive growth and development. Two years into the Digital India, what is the experience of tech collaborators like Intel? [...]

          Packing in a long-term India strategy

          2018-12-05T13:09:23+00:00January 9th, 2017|2018/2017, Flagship schemes, India Investment Journal January 2017, REWIND 2017, Year|

          As Swedish retail giant IKEA gets set to open up its first India store in Hyderabad this year, ‘India Investment Journal’ catches up with IKEA India’s Deputy Country Manager Patrik Antoni to see how the New Year is likely to pan out for the company. How do you view 2017 for the company in India? Very exciting times as we are working towards opening our first India store in Hyderabad by end 2017. Many people in India will soon have [...]

            The promise called India

            2019-01-02T10:33:01+00:00January 9th, 2017|2018/2017, India Investment Journal January 2017, Policy India, REWIND 2017, Year|

            India crossed the $300 billion mark at a time when the global economic slowdown has had a dampening impact. This speaks volumes of the opportunity India as an investment destination has to offer and how timely market reforms are creating a positive ecosystem for the international investor. The government of India has taken up a series of measures to improve Ease of Doing Business in the country. The emphasis has been on simplification and rationalisation of the existing rules and [...]