The resurgence of the Indian economy can give investors the ride of their lives

    2020-10-29T14:28:19+00:00October 27th, 2020|Editorials - India Global Business|

    The probable $25 billion Tata-Walmart ‘super app’ collaboration provides a peek into the opportunities that exist in Indian business where the policies of reboot-reset, in the realm of cloud, technology and AI, can determine the future.

      India and Taiwan should lay groundwork for an FTA

      2020-12-07T15:46:15+00:00October 26th, 2020|Editorials - India Global Business|

      Taiwanese investors are shifting to India and the engagement between the two nations has grown deeper and more meaningful specially in trade and commerce. These bonds are not an overnight development but they have been built with patience, resolve and like-minded values and principles.

        Govt, pvt. sector, individuals, will set India on a path to self-reliance

        2020-10-20T14:22:51+00:00October 19th, 2020|Editorials - India Global Business|

        With the Modi government effectively turning the screws on Chinese entities by examining even the smallest holdings in Indian companies the stage has been set for India to power full steam ahead in the path to self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

          The Indian property sector is rumbling for a push forward

          2020-12-07T14:46:25+00:00October 13th, 2020|Editorials - India Global Business|

          Increased property searches online, the introduction of prop-tech by enterprising realtors who are leveraging technologies like virtual tours, artificial intelligence, digital booking tools and online payments mechanisms are arousing the interest of customers.