Partners in revival2020-11-19T13:19:47+00:00

Partners in Revival

“I appreciate India Inc. Group organising this important event, which is part of the excellent work that India Inc. has done over the past years. Your events have helped bring opportunities in India to a global audience.”

“The story of global revival will have India playing a leading role. History has shown that India has overcome every challenge with a spirit of reform and rejuvenation. The same spirit continues now.”

“When India talks about revival, it is a revival with care, revival with compassion, revival with sustainability.”

“Indians have the spirit to achieve what is believed to be impossible. No wonder, in India we are already seeing green shoots when it comes to economic recovery.”

“Atmanirbhar Bharat merges domestic production and consumption with global supply chains. It is not about being self-contained or being closed to the world. It is about being self-sustaining and self-generating”

“India remains one of the most open economies in the world. We are opening the door to investors to come and invest directly in the hard work of our farmers.”

“There are two major globalisation stories in the world. The India story is a growth story driven by its people and their talent. Our journey has been about telling this story,”

“The western media sometimes presents India in a lopsided way. India Inc. is about saying there is another narrative about India. It’s not about papering over the cracks but looking at the glass half full.”

Speakers: Manoj Ladwa, Founder & CEO, India Inc Group
Ben Thompson – Presenter & Correspondent, BBC News

“The Coronavirus has brought with an unchartered territory – a health issue that has had an immense impact
on supply and demand.”

“It is not just about re-inflating the pre-Covid world whether in India or otherwise. It is important to recognise that the post-Covid world will be fundamentally different with its own supply chains, geopolitics, technologies and consumer behaviour. Policy makers will have to be mindful about addressing these before hitting the accelerator on demand.”

“Businesses will have to strategically plan and prepare for multiple scenarios whether it is preparing for a second wave of infection or the fact that the current pandemic is a multi year recovery process.”

Ashu Khullar, CEO, Citi India
Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Adviser, Government of India
Lord Jitesh Gadhia, Member, House of Lords

“Had global governance been working effectively, the world would have address the coronavirus crisis as soon as it emerged.”

“I would hope that when Covid-9 is behind us, the world would get together and look hard and fresh at the rules of global governance.”

“It’s a perilous time for multilateralism because all its great achievements since 1945 are being undermined by increasingly perverse unilateral state behaviour.”

“Multilateral cooperation at scale is essential in addressing large and integrated challenges such as the coronavirus pandmeic and climate change.”

“We have moved and continue to move from an age of cooperation to an age of competition. This is why multilateral organisations today are not measuring up because they were built with cooperation in mind.”

“It is essential that multilateral organisations need to be updated to tackle 21-century problems especially around security such as health security & cyber security.”

“China is trying to inject Xi Jinping ideas into the multilateral system over and over again. Democratic countries around the world will need to be smarter & ensure that the key nodes of the international system remain in the hands of the people who will use it for the common good.”


Ashok Malik, Policy Advisor, Ministry of External Affairs, India
Syed Akbaruddin, Ambassador to UN (Retd), Government of India
Tanya Spisbah, Director, Australia India Institute, New Delhi
Richard Moore, Director General, FCO

“China’s success in containing the virus should not be seen as authoritarian versus liberal democracy; lots of liberal democracies have controlled the pandemic spread just as well.”

“China is in a rush to get to the global high table; and that is part of the problem; that has prompted countries such as India to choose sides.”

“China doesn’t have many friends in the world at this point. Chinese diplomacy is in disarray.”

• Dr Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan – Distinguished Fellow & Head of Nuclear and Space Policy Initiative at Observer Research Foundation
• Weijian Shan – Chairman & CEO, PAG
• Prof Rana Mitter – Oxford University
• Dr Gareth Price – Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House
• Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, Distinguished Fellow & Head, Nuclear and Space Policy Initiative, Observer Research Foundation

” Emerging economies must be saved. We must create an institutional capacity to reconnect and to avoid
facing the wrath of the markets. These economies must be nimble but create an institutional structure to go
back to orthodoxy.”

“State capacity initiatives should shed some deep light on their policies. The public narrative tends to
marginalise issues as the focus is on how India has good policies but not good implementation.”

“Intellectual brokering is important. The government needs to create a shopping list of what India needs to do
so that investors can come and invest.”

Yamini Aiyar, President, Centre for Policy Research
Vini Mahajan, Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab
Sajjid Chinoy, Chief India Economist, J. P. Morgan
Mekhala Krishnamurthy Senior Visiting Fellow at CPR and Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Ashoka University
Mukulika Banerjee – Director of South Asia Centre at London School of Economics

“Going forward, countries around the world must focus on green recovery and inclusive recovery.”

“It is important to look at how change comes not just from top-down but also from the bottom up, and how support to communities is can be galvanised to ensure this happens.”

“A just transition is an important aspect of building back better, especially when it comes to people and communities whose livelihoods depend on the industries we want to phase out.”

“It is very important to look at the jobs angle of the climate change.”

Barry Gardiner MP
Former Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, HM Loyal Opposition

Sandrine Dixson-Declѐve
Co-President, The Club of Rome

Malini Mehra
CEO, GLOBE International secretariat

John Murton
UKCOP26, Envoy

Jagjeet Sareen
Director, Investment and Finance, International Solar Alliance

Selwin Hart
Special Adviser, Assistant Secretary-General for Climate Action Team

“People are now looking at India with a sense of awe and expectation because of the way it manages its
diversity. Brand India is based on the Indian talent pool.”

“Two decades ago, Brand India wasn’t in a good place in the US. Now, even the White House is pivoting
towards India.”

“There is an enormous understanding of India because of IT, yoga, our lifestyle. Prime Minister Modi has played a big role in making the India brand popular all over the world.”

Umang Bedi, Co-Founder, Dailyhunt
Vijay Chauthaiwale, Head of Foreign Affairs Dept, Bharatiya Janata Party
Anurag Varma, Vice President, Head of Government and Public Affairs, Infosys

“As Railway Minister I am delighted to share with you that PM has approved programme for 100% electrification of Indian Railways. First railways of such a large dimension – 120,000 of tracks in India running on power. By 2020 we hope to be world’s 100% green railways.”

“Banning the apps has been a security concern. They have been banned by the home ministry and companies have been asked to furnish details which is a proper legal procedure. India continues to and will remain committed to fair trade, but on the basis of reciprocity.”

“I have an open mind. I am coming into negotiations with no preconceived notions. No red lines. I am offering to the UK an early harvest preferential agreement. If UK comes forward with that openness, I am ready to start talking on Monday morning 9am.”

“We are also talking to the EU – we had a stalemate in our discussions. I am in dialogue with EU trade commissioner. I am looking for an early harvest deal. Open to discussions on a variety of subjects. Up to the UK and EU whoever picks up the gauntlet first.”

Speakers: Piyush Goyal Minister of Railways & Minister of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.

“A global problem requires a global solution and again we have a global pandemic and a global economic collapse and we have some other issues as well. There are various other developments in the fields of technology, trade, social and so on.”

“When you have nearly 1.3billion people you obviously have an enormous market. It’s larger than entire blocks elsewhere in the world. It has incredible potential when it comes to the growing middle class.”

“As the recovery takes place again, we’re going to see opportunity, question is whether that recovery can be quick enough to get to a point where there is not the requirement for continued and enormous fiscal expenditure to support those who have been put out of work.”

Speakers: David Petraeus Partner at KKR, Chairman of the KKR Global Institute

Session highlights:
“It’s important for the UK to take a more updated and less hyphenated view of the Indian subcontinent than what has been the case with British policy in the past.”

“There is today a sense in India and Australia in ensuring the larger region is more secure and stable.”

“It’s important for countries who have overlaps and convergences to look for common points and see where they can work together.”

Speakers: Dr S Jaishankar Minister of External Affairs, Government of India

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