Biden win may lift Indian stock prices to new highs

    2020-11-09T10:59:53+00:00November 7th, 2020|Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business|

    Indo-US ties enjoy wide bipartisan support in the US; so, it doesn’t really matter who sits in the Oval Office. But markets are expecting Joe Biden to unveil a mega stimulus package, which will boost stock markets worldwide. India could be a major beneficiary of such a move.

      US Elections 2020: How Indian Americans have the power to swing the vote

      2020-09-25T13:43:24+00:00September 25th, 2020|iGLOBAL, News & Views|

      With just over a month until the 2020 US presidential elections to go, both the ruling Republican Party and the Opposition Democratic Party are fully revved up to woo voters. And for both rivals, the Indian American vote is set to prove more important than ever before.

        The big democrat vs republican divide

        2018-05-18T13:05:12+00:00October 19th, 2016|2016, Global Indians, October 2016, Year|

        It has been described as the most divisive elections in history and the Indian-origin politicians on either side of the Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump divide are no exception. Reflecting much of the US Elections 2016 trends, a number of the Trump supporters seem to be rather muted while Clinton has a more gung-ho team. ‘India Global Business’ hand-picks some of the prominent players.

          FACT SHEET: An Indian in Chicago

          2020-03-12T08:18:43+00:00October 18th, 2016|2016, October 2016, US Election, Year|

          As US President Barack Obama gets set to hand over power to either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the November 8 elections, ‘India Global Business’ takes a trip to his home city of Chicago. The so-called “Windy City” is not only home to some of the world’s tallest buildings and sky-scrapers but also among the largest Indian American population of around 172,000.