India-UK-Bangladesh tied together since genesis

    2022-02-07T16:02:30+00:00April 10th, 2020|2020, India Inc Views - India Global Business, North America Edition – 10 April-23 April 2020, Spotlight, UK Edition – 10 April-23 April 2020|

    Saida Muna Tasneem, the High Commissioner of Bangladesh to the UK talks to ‘India Global Business’ about what ties India and the UK together in their developmental mission for the South Asian nation. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was among the special guests invited for the centenary celebrations for Bangladesh founder Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dhaka in March because India had an intrinsic role to play in the country’s liberation, according to Bangladesh High Commissioner to the UK Saida Muna Tasneem. However, that visit along [...]

      Big trouble for big tech?

      2020-08-20T06:18:21+00:00March 27th, 2020|2020, India Inc Views - India Global Business, North America Edition – 27 March-09 April 2020, Spotlight, UK Edition – 27 March-09 April 2020|

      Big tech's response to the disruption caused by COVID-19 holds the key to both adapting and surviving the pandemic. Highlights: COVID-19, which originated in China, has disrupted tech by impacting supply chains for the electronic, telecoms and mobile industry. The pandemic has given the big tech firms a chance at redemption over data collection by helping to identify at-risk groups. More and more tech firms are now finding innovative ways to help businesses and people overcome communication challenges that have [...]