July-August 20162018-10-31T07:43:03+00:00

July-August 2016


July-August 2016

This edition of ‘India Global Business’ throws the spotlight on India’s trade dealings with the world. As the fastest growing economy of the world, it is only right that India seek a rebalance in trade that reflects its growing global clout. Besides this central focus, there are the usual exclusive interviews and columns on offer, including a business focus on Brazil – the host country for the Olympic Games.

Brexit or no Brexit: London is open for Indian business

The CEO of London’s economic development agency, London & Partners, flags up the British capital’s many positives in an attempt to convince Indian companies not to be put off by the recent referendum in favour of Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Last year, London’s economic development company, London & Partners, ran a programme to discover those Indian start-up businesses which are most likely to go global. We flew the most exciting companies in adtech, cyber security, artificial intelligence, ecommerce, analytics and other sectors to London to participate in an acceleration bootcamp programme.

Our aim was to strengthen the economic ties between UK and Indian entrepreneurs and investors, and to show them that London was a great place from which to go global.

Rebalancing Trade: Riding the tide of opportunities

I’m reminded of a famous line from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, which says: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.”

We are now riding such a tide. Global economic flux and political uncertainty means world leaders need to figure out new relationships, new opportunities and reset the rules of engagement for a more connected and less secure than before world, where unprecedented migration and the movement of people for safety or for work is leading to anxiety.

These issues need to be...

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