Deepening engagement for global good

    2020-02-10T13:50:04+00:00January 31st, 2020|2020, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

    UK’s Trade Commissioner for South Asia highlights recent noteworthy collaborations between the UK and India in the life sciences sector. Highlights: Global health security is a global priority with outbreaks like the Coronavirus, and that is where the UK and India are making strides. UK-India healthcare partnerships extend from antimicrobial resistance, the launch of the $13-million Fleming Fund in India, and through innovations in diagnostics. Brexit offers the prospect of a new and exciting era in UK-India relations especially exploring [...]

      Intolerant Economist

      2020-05-11T03:10:43+00:00January 30th, 2020|2020, India Inc Views - India Global Business, Last Word, North America Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020, UK Edition – 31 Jan-13 Feb 2020|

      Respected western publications such as The Economist and others are echoing the angst of the old Indian elite who have been denied the benefits of official patronage by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Consequently, their recent coverage of India is coming across as biased and agenda-driven. Over the course of the last year, India has been at the receiving end of some very sharp coverage in the western media. The grouse and, we dare say, the vitriol are aimed, in particular, at one [...]