Investors cheer Modi push for reforms to propel growth

    2021-02-04T09:56:56+00:00February 4th, 2021|Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business|

    For the first time since 1991, analysts are praising the intent of the Budget rather than its fine print. By clearly outlining a reforms roadmap and eschewing populist measures, the Modi government may have set the stage for double-digit growth in the next 3-4 years. That is why the bulls are running riot over the Indian stock markets.

      Universal tap water scheme a massive stimulus for the Indian economy

      2021-02-04T09:28:11+00:00February 3rd, 2021|Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business|

      The $40 billion allocated for providing water connections across the country will not only better health and hygiene standards and improve the ease of living for citizens, but it will also create huge demand for products such as steel, cement, sanitaryware and labour and help generate millions of jobs and provide a further fillip to India’s fast recovering growth engine.

        Indian military gets booster dose, to build muscle, in the budget

        2021-02-04T09:27:10+00:00February 2nd, 2021|Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business|

        Don’t look at the headline defence allocation numbers. The most important segment of the defence budget, the outlay for capital expenditure, has been increased 18.7 per cent to enable the armed forces acquire the latest weaponry it needs to tackle a possible two-front threat against China and Pakistan.

          India’s relaxed rules on investment for insurers set to trigger interest from US, EU

          2021-02-02T14:19:19+00:00February 2nd, 2021|Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business|

          According to the 2021-22 annual Indian Budget, the government will allow FDI of up to 74% in insurance entities, up from 49% currently, clearing the way for "foreign ownership and control with safeguards".

            India Budget 2021-22 highlights – The key takeaways

            2021-02-04T13:03:30+00:00February 1st, 2021|Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business|

            The economy is projected to contract 7.7% in the current fiscal year, although the government forecasts growth of 11% for the coming fiscal year, after a massive COVID-19 vaccination drive and a rebound in consumer demand and investments.

              The fine print of the 2021-22 budget infrastructure push

              2021-02-04T13:02:43+00:00February 1st, 2021|Analysis - India Global Business, India Inc Views - India Global Business|

              To facilitate this infrastructure building spree, the Finance Minister announced a $2.75-billion outlay to capitalise a new development finance institution (DFI). That would build up a lending portfolio of about $70 billion within the next three years.